Thinking of visiting Canada? The visa process for visitors can be complicated and messy. Reapplying for a rejected or refused immigration visa can be daunting, but having the right information at hand can greatly simplify the process. There is no appeals process for a visa application – if your application for a Canadian visitor visa is denied, your only recourse is to submit a new one. This process can be started at any time, barring a citation on your decision letter stating otherwise.
What's Next After a Visa Rejection?
It’s recommended that you re-submit only if your situation has changed or if you wish to add significant new information that was omitted from your original application.
There is no mandatory waiting period for re-application – unless otherwise noted, you may apply again for a visa at any time after your first rejection. However, sending the same application a second time without additional information is likely to result in rejection for the same reasons as the first.
If you are looking to apply or reapply for a Canadian visa, here are some factors to consider before putting ink to paper.
Do I Even Need a Visa?
Depending on your country of origin, you may not need a visa to visit Canada. Visa-exempt foreign nationals may need an Electronic Travel Authorization, while US citizens can visit Canada freely, without the need for a visa or ETA. The Government of Canada’s immigration guidelines can help you to find out which applications you’ll need for your trip.